Calendar to Forever Calendar
It took many years to reach the current structure. The result of various changes and refinements is the calendar of Ajax. It is known from history that the day man learned to count the years, he started counting the years as the moon. As the sun or the calculation of the solar calculation comes much later. There is again a difference between solar and lunar calculations. Solar calculations are related to seasons but lunar calculations are not related to another seasons. form based on previous knowledge we invented new formula for forever calendar by which any one can find out year calendar from 1 to 2000 million years.
History of Calendar
Let I start describe brief description history of English and Bengali Calendar. The English year we call today is the Gregorian calendar. The English year we now celebrate is according to the Gregorian calendar.
The creation of calendars was noticed in Sumerian civilization. The Egyptians, on the other hand, were far ahead in astronomy and arithmetic. It is believed that this Egyptian civilization invented the oldest solar calendar in the world.
Astronomers have studied the Egyptian calendar extensively. Experiments have shown that they started using the calendar from 4236 BC.
Europe is called the paradise of art, literature, knowledge and science. They made all the important discoveries of civilization. The Greeks and Romans were ahead in this direction.
The Romans again got their first calendar from the Greeks. There were but 12 months in the ancient Roman calendar. They had 10 months. Their year was 304 days. More interestingly, the two winter months did not count for years.
The Romans started counting their years from March. New Year was celebrated on the 1st of March.
With 60 days omitted in the year calculation, they did not think of using the calendar of days and dates. Romulus, a famous Roman emperor. He was the first emperor of Rome. He is the one who tried to introduce the Roman calendar from about 638 BC.
But later the Roman emperor Numa added two more months with 10 months. The two months are January and February. He added January as the first and February as second month of the year.
Although there was a difference of opinion as to the date of 29th day of January and 28th day of February, it was fixed in this way at first. Out of these twelve months he also introduced an additional month called Mercedanas. The month was counted again in 22 days. This extra month was calculated every year between 23rd and 24th of February.
The calculation of the month in which Numa was introduced was changed to 432 BC. It is the Romans who are the promoters of the Leap year we now observe every four years.
The Roman emperor Julius Caesar introduced a new calendar in Rome. He brought the Egyptian calendar from Rome. On the advice of astronomers, the calendar was revised in 48 BC by adding a total of 90 days, including 7 days between November and December of that year and 23 days at the end of February. This calendar later became known as the Julian calendar.
In the Julian calendar, the days of March, May, Quintilis and October are 31 days and the days of January and Sextinis are added to 31 days. The month of February is counted in 28 days.
The month of February, now called the Leap Year, is added once every four years. The ancient month of Quintilis was later renamed July after Julius Caesar.
Another famous Roman emperor was Augustus. The month of Sextinis was renamed August after him.
The Egyptians used to calculate the solar year in 365 days. But as a result of the reformation of Julius Caesar, it came to an end in three hundred and sixty-five days.
Now that I say the Christian year or AD, it starts much later. Counting from the year of the birth of Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity, a Christian priest named Dionysium Exigius started the year 532 AD.
About 1582 AD. Pope Gregory XIII of Rome revised the Julian calendar on the advice of astronomers. Under his direction 10 days were given from October 1582 AD. As a result, the 5th of that year was made the 15th. Pope Gregory later announced that the centennial that would be divided by the year 400 would be considered a centenary leap year. The Gregorian calendar introduced by Pope Gregory gives us a fairly perfect gift. Its global acceptance continues to grow. The calendar we look at today to calculate the English year, to celebrate the New Year, is the product of that Gregorian calendar.
Let us know the name of the month we know.
January: This month is named after a Roman god named Janus. According to popular belief, the god Janus is called “God of Doors”. The door to start something. Two-faced statues of this deity are found in various museums. It is believed that he could see both the past and the future. So it is thought that his two faces turned towards the end of the previous year and the beginning of the New Year.
February: A long time ago, a kind of festival called ‘Februa’ was celebrated in the west at the beginning of spring. In this festival, houses, roads and Ghats were all cleaned. Through this purification process, a kind of purification of human soul and mind was also done. The month is named ‘February’ after the name of this festival.
March: There are two theories behind naming March. And both are based on the Roman god of war, Mars. As the storm began to blow this month, its violence was compared to that of Mars. Again according to another view, earlier with the month of March
The Roman years began. So at this time all the wars would end. According to that formula, the month was named after the god of war, Mars.
April: There are different opinions about the naming of this month. Some people think that the name comes from the Latin word for ‘Second’. Many people think that the name comes from the Latin word ‘Aperire’ which means open or open. The reason for this is shown in April when everything blooms anew. Nature is a new form and it is named after that. According to another, the Roman goddess Aphrodite is behind this naming.
May: The Romans had a goddess. Her name was Meiya. She is the daughter of the god Atlas and Mercury is her son. It is said that this goddess was the protector of all crops. So this harvest month is dedicated to him.
June: Juno, the wife of Jupiter, the greatest Roman god. According to the Romans, she was the goddess of marriage. And many wedding ceremonies have been taking place in this month since ancient times. With that in mind, it is believed that the month is named after the goddess Juno.
July: The calendar introduced by the Roman emperor Julius Caesar in 45 BC was called the Julian calendar. The month of July is named after Julius Caesar, the founder of the calendar.
August: This month is the sixth month of the year. This sixth month was formerly called Sextillion (Latin six). This name was later changed to August. Julius Caesar’s only successor was Augustus Caesar. He then sat on the throne. It is believed that the month was named Augustus after Augustus BC.
September: In Latin ‘Septum’ means seven. This name came from there. It was the ninth month in the Gregorian and Julian calendars, but the seventh month in the ten-month Roman calendar. The same name has been retained unchanged in later calendars.
October: The same argument applies to October. In Latin, ‘Octo’ means eight. The eighth month of the Roman calendar was followed by the tenth month in other calendars. But since the source is the same, the month of October is being used later.
November and December : Both November and December come from the Latin names for the ninth and tenth months. Novem does not mean Latin and December means ten. But these two Latin months were later converted into eleven and twelve months. And from this month of December, the end of a year is considered. The month of December is bid farewell to the old year, with the motivation to live in a new year. And this is why the month of December is celebrated in a very grand manner.
The months of the English calendar are mainly based on the Roman way of life, observance of gods and goddesses, and periodic changes. The names of the English months have now become an integral part of our lives. Sometimes it may have peeked into my mind how these months came? Sometimes I wonder how long ago the counting of months started. Today’s English calendar has changed since then.
How to find out leap year
A leap year is a special year in which one day (or one month in the case of a lunar year) is more than a normal year to coincide with an astronomical year. The change of seasons and the repetition of other cosmic phenomena depend on the astronomical year or the time at which the earth revolves around the sun once. Its duration is about 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds, whereas according to the conventional Gregorian calendar the year is calculated as 365 days. In this way, about six hours of the year are left out of the count and in four years it is equal to one day. In order to make up for this deficit, the year is calculated for 36 consecutive days every four years. In the Gregorian calendar, once every four years, in the month of February in English Calendar and in the month of Falgun according to the Bengali year, an additional 1 day is added. Therefore, in leap years, the months of February is 29 days and Falgun is 30 days. For example: 2001, 2002, 2003 is not a leap year but 2004, 2008, 2012 are leap year. In addition, if you divide by 400, the year that gets the remainder value of 0 is the leap year. Gregorian introduced this rule in 1862, after 1600, by adjusting the previous years. So from now on, the year is divisible by 4 leap years, but in the case of calculating the centenary years, the years from 1800 onwards are divisible by 4, but some centuries have to be divisible by 400. E.g. 1800, 2000 2400 2600 leap years but 1700, 1800, 1900 not leap years.
In the case of Bengali years, the rules for maintaining consistency are almost the same, but dividing by 4 and adding 2, the year that comes is leap year, e.g. 2, 8, 10, 14 etc. However, if the centennials are divided by 400, then 2 will be the leap year. e.g. The leap years of 1802, 2002, 2402 but not leap years of 1702, 1802, 1902. In my opinion, if Bengali year is introduced in this way, there will be no complication. As I am a Tiny Inventor I request to our authority to maintain the rules which I shown in my Bangla Calendar. So many happy return to everybody.
Forever Calendar
I researched about Invent a Forever Calendar, which will start from 1 AC (After Christ) to forever. Anybody can find BC (Before Christ) Date from my printed forever calendar easily. I started to invent a forever calendar from 1987 to 2021. After researching I can stand to publish a Forever Calendar. But in somehow I find some error in this published calendar. Finally I furnish perfect Forever Calendar which will be a permanent nature, if not create any change in regular Calendar time to time. Our Perpetual Calendar is very useful to everybody. Anyone can easily find out the desire year calendar from our perpetual calendar.
English Forever Calendar:
We are innovating new formula for English perpetual calendar by which we can calculate from 1 to 2000 million years.
Bangla Forever Calendar (চিরস্থায়ী ক্যালেন্ডার)
We are innovating new formula for Bangla perpetual calendar by which we can calculate from 1 to 200 crore years.
you can test or check our app form google play store at:
With best regards.
Md. Nazmul Kabir
English & Bangla Forever Calendar.