how to convert number to text currency in C#

Somnetimes we will get a requirement like converting a number into words. such as: 568.25 = Five Hundred Sixty Eight and Paisa Twenty Five Only.

Create a converter class with that code:

568.25 = Five Hundred Sixty Eight Only.
568.25 = Five Hundred Sixty Eight and Paisa Twenty Five Only.

[code lang=”js”]
public class converter
static Tuple<int, string>[] powers =
new Tuple<int, string>(0, “”),
new Tuple<int, string>(3, “Thousand”),
new Tuple<int, string>(5, “Lac”),
new Tuple<int, string>(7, “Crore”)

//this array specifies the digits’ names
static string[] digits = { “”, “One”, “Two”, “Three”, “Four”, “Five”, “Six”, “Seven”, “Eight”, “Nine” };
static string[] extendedDigits = { “Ten”, “Eleven”, “Twelve”, “Thirteen”, “Fourteen”, “Fifteen”, “Sixteen”, “Seventeen”, “Eighteen”, “Nineteen” };
static string[] tensWords = { “”, “”, “Twenty”, “Thirty”, “Forty”, “Fifty”, “Sixty”, “Seventy”, “Eighty”, “Ninety” };

public static string NumberToWords(decimal number)

var sb = new StringBuilder();

//sb.Append(“Taka “);

//begin with the left most digit (greatest power of 10)
for (int i = powers.Length – 1; i >= 0; –i)
//translate the current part only (for a known power of 10)
//usually part is a 3-digit number
int part = (int)(number / (long)Math.Pow(10, powers[i].Item1));
//if the part is 0, we don’t have to add anything
if (part > 0)
//extract the hundreds
int hundreds = part / 100;
if (hundreds > 9)
throw new ArgumentException(number + ” is too large and cannot be expressed.”);
if (hundreds > 0)
//if there are hundreds, copy them to the output
sb.Append(” Hundred “);
//convert the next two digits
sb.Append(TwoDigitNumberToWord(part % 100));
sb.Append(” “);
//and append the name of the power of 10
sb.Append(” “);
//subtract the currently managed part
number -= part * (long)Math.Pow(10, powers[i].Item1);

string sNumStr = String.Format(“{0:0.00}”, number);

string sPaisa = TwoDigitNumberToWord(Convert.ToInt32(sNumStr.Substring(sNumStr.Length – 2, 2)));

if (sPaisa.Length != 0)
sPaisa = “Paisa ” + sPaisa + ” Only”;

sb.Append(” and “);
sb.Append(” Only”);

return sb.ToString();



Using the class

[code lang=”js”]
string result = converter.NumberToWords(568.25m);

public class converter
static Tuple<int, string>[] powers =
new Tuple<int, string>(0, ""),
new Tuple<int, string>(3, "Thousand"),
new Tuple<int, string>(5, "Lac"),
new Tuple<int, string>(7, "Crore")

//this array specifies the digits' names
static string[] digits = { "", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine" };
static string[] extendedDigits = { "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen" };
static string[] tensWords = { "", "", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety" };

public static string NumberToWords(decimal number)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
//begin with the left most digit (greatest power of 10)
	for (int i = powers.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
	//translate the current part only (for a known power of 10)
	//usually part is a 3-digit number
	int part = (int)(number / (long)Math.Pow(10, powers[i].Item1));
	//if the part is 0, we don't have to add anything
	if (part > 0)
		//extract the hundreds
		int hundreds = part / 100;
		if (hundreds > 9)
			throw new ArgumentException(number + " is too large and cannot be expressed.");
		if (hundreds > 0)
			//if there are hundreds, copy them to the output
			sb.Append(" Hundred ");
//convert the next two digits
sb.Append(TwoDigitNumberToWord(part % 100));
sb.Append(" ");
//and append the name of the power of 10
sb.Append(" ");
//subtract the currently managed part
number -= part * (long)Math.Pow(10, powers[i].Item1);

string sNumStr = String.Format("{0:0.00}", number);

string sPaisa = TwoDigitNumberToWord(Convert.ToInt32(sNumStr.Substring(sNumStr.Length - 2, 2)));

if (sPaisa.Length != 0)
sPaisa = "Paisa " + sPaisa + " Only";

sb.Append(" and ");
sb.Append(" Only");

return sb.ToString();


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